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日语新年快乐怎么说呢中文发音 日语新年快乐 有哪些?

作者:admin  来源:网络 发布:2023-04-10 18:14:03 网址:http://www.guazhitianqi.com/baike/113938.html  评论:0  收藏


1、The sentence "Happy New Year" means "Happy New Year", where "Happy New Year" means unity for a period of time or a state, and then enters a new state, and "Congratulations" means congratulations.


3、It consists of "congratulations" and honorific "you".

4、If you are talking to your superiors and seniors, you should say "Happy New Year" together. If it is for peers or subordinates, you can simply say "Happy New Year". In addition, there is a more colloquial saying "Dawn".

5、In Japanese, the first two pseudonyms of "Xiao" and "He" are combined, which is generally a simplified Chinese character that young people like to use. These are the more commonly used New Year expressions in Japan.

6、"Happy New Year to you", and say "Happy New Year" after the new year.

7、"Happy New Year" and "Happy New Year" are two forms of expression, and both forms of expression are interdependent.



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